Almost every branch of the Happ traditional bakery has been fitted with MEIKO warewashing technology, either the M-iClean U undercounter dishwashing machines or hood type warewashing and rack type dishwashing machines. This equipment is used in outlets with 30 covers or more and in the production facility at the head office in Neuhof. Every machine is matched to the type of wash ware and volume, and cleans all kinds of dirty dishes – from cups to equipment from the bakehouse and confectionery. "For two years now, we have provided all the 'M-iClean' machines with additional osmosis technology", emphasises Sven Pradel as the authorised service technician from MEIKO (Mossbacher bakery and electrical engineering/Hosenfeld). These machines do not scale up and deliver the best possible results.
Having to polish glasses afterwards is also a thing of the past
... "and this significantly reduces the service staff's workload and saves time", adds Graduate Engineer Sirco Lucke (Sales Manager at MEIKO Werksvertretung Rhein-Main GmbH, Hungen), who provides advice and planning support to customers and the (aftersales) service team. And this service can be provided on-site if necessary, as was the case with the conceptual design of the cafés with bakery shop in Fulda Hospital, Happ's largest catering unit.

"We work together to develop the best possible custom solutions", continues S. Lucke.
He emphasises the harmonious cooperation with the Mossbach-based company, the benefits of which Michael Happ, who needs reliability and continuity when it comes to technology, knows and appreciates very well. This is because dishes, cups, glasses and cutlery have to be clean and hygienically safe in all the café branches. This is an expectation of both customers and staff, who assume professionalism in all areas of a modern company. This is the background to the decision to buy warewashing technology from the Offenburg-based specialist MEIKO. MEIKO develops and produces energy-efficient washing machines for catering outlets of all sizes and to suit every requirement.