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CEO change
The MEIKO Group in Offenburg will complete its long-planned leadership reshuffle on 1 July 2021. After 21 years as CEO, Dr Stefan Scheringer (62) is moving to the Foundation Board of the Oskar und Rosel Meier Stiftung. Succeeding him will be the long-standing CTO, Dr Thomas Peukert (50), who since 1995 has proven himself in numerous positions in the company.
“We prepared for this orderly changeover very carefully,” says Dr Stefan Scheringer. “It is happening during turbulent times. However, difficult times are good times for dynamic companies, so we see the situation as an opportunity. I’m confident that MEIKO will continue its successful trajectory under the capable watch of Thomas Peukert,” continues Scheringer.
With Thomas Peukert joining the top management, there will also be other changes in the company’s leadership. Christoph Homburger, previously Executive Vice President Operations, has been heading up the Development and Design division since January 2021, and going forward will be responsible for both divisions as Chief Operating Office and Chief Technology Officer, or COO/CTO. Sebastian Hainz will continue in his role as Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing.
As a member of the Board of Management of the Oskar und Rosel Meier Stiftung, which the company funds, Dr Stefan will support MEIKO in other ways and offer his experience to the company management. “The goals for the coming years of continuing to pursue the
company strategies and the sustainability goals will be unaffected by the changeover,” says Scheringer, with Peukert adding: “on the present basis, we remain a solid and predictable partner for our customers, employees and suppliers. Anything else would be unthinkable for a company driven by values.”