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MEIKO reference Ludwig Jahn house


Workload is reduced in a care home equipped with technology that is state-of-the-art and reliable

The history of the nursing association Pflege und Assistenz gGmbH (Care and Assistance gGmbh) began in 1958 and demonstrated from the start 60 years ago just how forward-thinking the organisation was. Originally a professional association, the organisation's goal back then was already to help solve the shortage of care professionals. Today, 3,500 people work aiding senior citizens and the disabled at more than 40 locations. One of  these care homes is located in Dudweiler, Saarland, where the Friedrich Ludwig Jahn House opened in May 2018.

With the hiring of Annekarin Leismann, a specialist has become manager of the care home, someone who brings her heart and soul to the care profession after having worked in a different field. The 45-year-old has gained experience in large institutions and is now at the nursing association building up Pflegeverbund Saartal in her position as regional manager. "We can't complain when it comes to recruiting nursing staff," Annekarin Leismann says. She knows what an employer must offer to attract employees: modern positions that promote health, auditing that confirms the balancing of family and work, and the goal of placing oneself in the service of seniors and people with disabilities.


The Friedrich Ludwig Jahn House is thus equipped with MEIKO technology in the care work areas – as is the case with almost all of the nursing association's facilities. "We decided on the TOPIC bedpan washer-disinfector because we are totally convinced of the quality of MEIKO technology," says Annekarin Leismann. She is deeply impressed by the durability of the cleaning and disinfection technology specially developed for care homes: We have equipment at other locations that is 35-years-old and continues to run perfectly and to meet our hygiene requirements." The MEIKO service technicians carrying out regular maintenance also ensure that this is guaranteed. Their work extends the service life of the equipment and ensures their steady reliability.

Annekatrin Leismann wanted to avoid the need for regular extra disinfection when equipping the ward kitchen with a dishwasher: "We decided for a full commercial solution from MEIKO and installed a M-iClean U (commercial dishwasher) in every kitchen because of the ergonomic considerations of work height. The semi-commercial machines simply run too long for our requirements and have to be disinfected regularly." But it is precisely those aspects that cause unnecessary work for employees. "Eliminating that work automatically frees up more time for the key focus, namely, working with the residents of our facilities. MEIKO is the right partner for us, a reliable partner that knows what is important," explains the care home director.