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For thermal disinfection

The M-iQ Feature Termolabel is equipment to reach the Thermolabel test.

Coming from international aviation for Inlflight-Catering, the Thermolabel Process is an established and absolutely necessary test method that is used worldwide for applications requiring a higher disinfection and hygiene safety.

The Thermolabel Hygiene Test is validatable and it`s a popular, irreversible dishwashing temperature indicator for dishwasher hygiene (HACCP compliance).

The machine version is on the thermal label test aligned at 71° C  / 159,8 F.


For more information, simply contact us via the contact form.


Dishwashing machines with Thermolabel are set up for the Thermolabel test at 71 °C /159.8 °F. MEIKO – hygiene safety with thermal disinfection.