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Follow-up report Interschutz 2022

, Category Cleaning & disinfection technology

Interschutz 2022: MEIKO expands portfolio with devices for pre-cleaning and more throughput in the respiratory protection workshop

At Interschutz 2022, the German specialist for cleaning and disinfection technology MEIKO presented itself for a second time only - but as a convincing solution provider in the respiratory protective equipment workshop of fire departments and the industry.

The new MEIKO product portfolio for personal protective equipment (PPE) further expands the range for more safety in the respiratory protection workshop. "We have deliberately continued to work on reducing the dangers for equipment attendants when working on and with contaminated equipment with a device for pre-cleaning respiratory protection equipment," explains Jens Jacobsen, MEIKO Sales Manager PPE. At Interschutz, the focus was on TopClean D, the device that was developed as an alternative to manual pre-cleaning and covers the processes in the respiratory protection workshop with another valid mechanical solution.

TopClean D is used when there is visible soiling. Thanks to a compressed air connection for demand valves in the washing chamber, work here is also safe, gentle on the material and efficient. The newly developed device is characterised by patented mask heads for optimal loading. This prevents contamination of the inside of the mask. It can also be used to pre-clean harnesses, regulators, tools, lamps, etc. Overarching this, MEIKO as a solution provider ensures easier black/white separation with optimised ergonomics and usability. "Our drive is and remains the protection of the emergency forces as well as the respiratory protection equipment attendants from pathogenic germs, toxic fine dusts or burn-off residues," Jacobsen summarises.

The positive response from Interschutz visitors proved that the logical addition to the TopClean M washer-disinfector provides the right answers to an increasing need for safety and the desire for reliable decontamination. "We are now setting in at the pre-cleaning stage, thus creating the best conditions for the performance of TopClean M and TopClean H", Jacobsen is convinced and refers to the features of the already internationally established TopClean M. The device is known for its high throughput, a valid process in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications, compressed air connection for regulators in the washing chamber, labour saving, significantly increased process speed as well as lower operating costs. 

For an even higher throughput of respiratory protective equipment in a workshop, Jacobsen recommends the logical evolution of the TopClean M in the form of a so-called hood type device, the TopClean H. This is a cleaning and disinfection device with an automatic hood system. Here, specially designed baskets are loaded with the respiratory masks and regulators. These are "connected" to the unit via a quick coupling. The baskets together with the items to be washed are then simply pushed into the TopClean H, the hood lowers automatically and everything is cleaned and disinfected in a matter of minutes. The unit enables very gentle, lift-free - i.e. ergonomic - loading and, in terms of planning, offers the outstanding possibility of black/white separation by the unit itself. If pre-cleaning has already been carried out in the TopClean D, the shortest programme (approx. 6 minutes) can be used at this point, which saves time and energy.

The trade fair visitors saw the greatest added value in the concentrated competence of the machine manufacturer for planning individual workflows for their respiratory protection workshop. Breathing apparatus attendants from fire brigades and industry were equally impressed by the breathing apparatus workshop that MEIKO has realised in a fire department in the south of Germany. Here, the TopClean D is used for pre-cleaning before the items to be washed are cleaned and disinfected in the TopClean H. The unit and a slide-through in the wall connect the two work areas unclean and clean and ensure a very high level of work safety and hygiene through this strict black/white separation. "We will continue to work on innovative and safe solutions for the reprocessing of PPE and are already looking forward to Interschutz 2026 - our rooms are already booked!", Jacobsen looks positively to the future.