On the occasion of our 95th anniversary, what is your MEIKO story?
At MEIKO France, we are in the process of revising our structures with our new managing director, with a view to further growing the company. Being a part of this process is a real injection of motivation. The team is growing closer; we are becoming a stronger unit and moving in the same direction.

What place does MEIKO occupy in your life?
MEIKO is a large part of my day-to-day life. I spend most of my time with meiko. If I wasn't happy at work, I wouldn't invest so much into the brand and stay on the ball every day.

Whatever I do, I want to do it from the heart.

What makes MEIKO unique for you?
Mainly, it is the people who work on making the company work every day. Whatever I do, I want to do it from the heart. That is the commitment that I bring and that is needed for us to be successful. I feel like I am in the right place.

Have you got a favourite machine at MEIKO?
Yes! The M-iClean H. It is compact, easy to use, innovative and ergonomic.

 What should MEIKO have changed a long time ago?
I often wish we would take a bit more of a structured approach to things, find streamlined ways to respond. We are a very large company and have grown very quickly in recent years – that has resulted in us lacking in structure a little in our processes. Room to grow further is also a motivation.

Reusables for the future.

MEIKO is the source of cleanliness. Where do you see potential for growth?
I think we need to continue to add new markets. Washing reusables is something to work on going forward. We base our growth on respect for people and the environment as much as we can and we want to continue to do so into the future.

Have you got a little-known MEIKO fact for us?
The fact that MEIKO is owned by a foundation. That's not so little-known, really. But we could do more work to highlight and explain the concept of the foundation and what that means for us, for the company and for our customers.

What are your birthday wishes for MEIKO?
I wish MEIKO an even greater reputation as an expert company in each market. When customers think of MEIKO, my wish is that they associate us with respect for people and planet, with quality and with excellent hygiene. That would be amazing.
