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Fire department Hilpoltstein respiratory protection


No more harmful chemicals thanks to BA Mask washer-disinfector

Matthias Massopust is something of a perfectionist when it comes to organising his work. And the fact that MEIKO technology has now made things even easier has inspired him to new heights of creativity: "We regularly wash our mask boxes in the TopClean M because we store the masks in their containers until they're needed rather than shrink-wrapping them. Frank Schmidtke, Global Business Manager Segment Fire Services at Dräger, says that is "no problem at all", noting that this is exactly what the mask containers are designed for.

The first time Matthias Massopust saw a washer-disinfector for cleaning BA masks and respiratory protection equipment washer at an information day held by Dräger in 2014:

"I immediately knew it was the solution I'd been looking for," says the volunteer firefighter.

He submitted an application to the municipality's fire service budget which was approved by both the treasurer and the municipal council, "largely because we explained how unhealthy it is to work with the chemicals in a dip tank when you clean masks manually," Massopust recalls. Since the adjacent town of Allersberg just 10 kilometres away was facing the same problem, they clubbed together to buy two machines at a discount: "That made it even easier on the town's budget. Otherwise we would have had to install an extraction system and continued with the totally ineffective manual method of cleaning our 65 masks which are in active use and our 40 regulators," says Massopust.