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Significant savings in terms of both energy and water use with M-iQ dishwashing machines

Studentenwerk of University Aachen


The Vita refectory seats 800 and is the second-largest student dining hall at Aachen, the largest university of technology in Germany, with around 30,000 enrolled students, most of them in engineering.The Vita was built separately on a new site that offers plenty of room for growth if there is an increase in the number of users, a figure that currently stands at approximately 2,500 a day.

Operations Manager Dennis Schaltinat is confident that his systems can handle the logistical complexity and workload: "Our new MEIKO dishwashers are perfectly capable of coping, even though they currently have to run continuously through to about 8 PM."

Some 35 percent lower than the figures stated in by MEIKO in their brochure!

"The two M-iQ machines wash the trays and some of our containers as well as cutlery and crockery – they have really taken the weight off our shoulders!" says Dennis Schaltinat, full of praise for the performance and results of the intelligent M-iQ dishwasher range.

MEIKO’s analysis shows that the Vita dining hall had plenty of potential to make significant savings in terms of both energy and water use. Shortly after putting the M-iQ dishwashing machines into operation, measurements revealed that the use of consumables (energy, water, chemicals) had stabilized at a remarkably low average level, some 35 percent lower than the figures stated in by MEIKO in their brochure!