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Bruchsal relies on the TopClean M to get Interspiro and Auer masks clean

The Bruchsal Volunteer Fire Department has been protecting the town's inhabitants since 1854.

It consists of six fire companies comprising a total of 617 firefighters, 359 of which are in active service, typically dealing with between 800 and 900 calls a year. The Junior Fire Service has 132 members.

Five full-time firefighters are responsible for managing the equipment and ensuring it is safe and ready for use. The Bruchsal Volunteer Fire Department's BA cleaning facility exclusively cleans and disinfects the breathing gear required by its own firefighters, namely 200 masks from the manufacturers Interspiro and Auer.

It does not clean or test masks from other fire services or industrial concerns.

When it comes to cleaning the masks for their colleagues in Bruchsal, the BA cleaning team led by Thomas Zöller uses a TopClean M cleaning and disinfection appliance.

The TopClean M cleans and disinfects 1,000 masks a year while guaranteeing optimum levels of hygiene and safety.

Thomas Zöller and the MEIKO team are happy to supply further information on request.