MEIKO pensa in termini di generazioni, non di trimestri fiscali. Puntiamo sull'innovazione e la qualità delle nostre soluzioni tecnologiche, e su rapporti interpersonali basati sul rispetto e la fiducia reciproci. Come Gruppo MEIKO pensiamo e agiamo in modo sostenibile per preservare la qualità della vita sul pianeta terra anche per le generazioni future.
Le aspettative dei nostri clienti sono al centro di tutte le nostre riflessioni e dei nostri sviluppi.
We have been running on the power of innovation since 1927! And it goes even further than our products. We are pioneers within our sector, delivering comprehensive, efficient, economical solutions with huge customer benefits. We are excited to face the next challenge: how can we solve the problem even better? We use our gifts of exploration and innovation to develop the perfect solution to fulfil our customers' every expectation.
Life, nature, planet Earth: these are gifts to us and we must treasure them. That is why, at MEIKO, we do not think in business quarters. We think in generations. We always have an eye on the bigger picture and we're setting up all of our departments for greater sustainability. This is how we fulfil our environmental, social and economic responsibilities. Our products are highly resource efficient and our food waste treatment systems can help generate energy.
We nurture a culture of trust and are able to rely on one another. Our employees expect this and so do our customers, but also everyone with whom we have a business relationship. We journey with them and we are always there when we are needed, often over the course of decades. This helps us to achieve great things and reach our own goals.
Our world is changing apace. We are setting up new structures to respond to ever-more dynamic market conditions. MEIKO's history spans almost 100 years and, throughout that time, we have proven again and again that we know how to adapt to change quickly. And we have never stopped learning – that is key. We consistently take on board ideas from our market organisations and employees.
We are passionate about anything to do with quality. Our customers and partners expect excellent results and sustainable solutions to exceed their every request – and that applies to employee expertise, too. The MEIKO Academy exists to train our employees and meet this need.
MEIKO is a company that brings together a rich diversity of personalities, temperaments and cultures. That is a positive experience and we commit to treating one another fairly and respectfully, valuing people and acting in harmony with nature. This underpins everything.
Oltre alla nostra strategia e missione, i nostri valori costituiscono la base del successo regionale e globale.